my writing

I'm going to the Jack Jones Literary Arts Retreat!

Thrilled to announce I'm attending the inaugural Jack Jones Literary Arts Writer's Retreat in the fall, as a recipient of a Natalie Diaz Fellowship for Native writers!

Basically my face when I found out I could go.

Basically my face when I found out I could go.

Treat yo' doing a lot more intensive research! 

Treat yo' doing a lot more intensive research! 


Along with a small class of fellows, I'll be spending two weeks in SMU: Taos with women writers of color, and I cannot express how excited I already am for the retreat.

We'll be attending master classes on everything from digital media to publishing, getting manuscript feedback from workshop participants and our writers-in-residence, and chatting with our fellow writers -- all thanks to the imitable Natalie Diaz, Kima Jones, Allison Conner, and Dr. LaToya Watkins.

Ladies, I am so happy and so honored to be a part of this adventure.

Anybody else going to be there?


Introducing: The Story Club

Exciting news!

You may or may not have read about this in the What Matters newsletter, but I'm trying to put more of my work out there between the whirlwind of submissions and upcoming publication dates...some of which aren't going live for a few months! 

So I'm going to start publishing a short story per month, just for you!

Each story will be available for Kindle at a low low price.

Welcome to The Story Club!

What Do You Eat When You Write?


This article over at Catapult Community interviews their program instructors about their favorite writing snack. As a writer who loves snack food, it's cracking me up.

Read more here.

I also laugh because I have a weird quirk when it comes to food and writing. Whenever I set a scene in detail and describe my characters' meals, ten times out of ten that item of food is the one thing I end up craving for days afterward. This is why people find me baking cheese danishes at 10pm or running to the grocery store for butterscotch pudding after I've already been to the store twice in a week.

What kinds of things do you guys snack on when you write? My go-to is always tea and a couple of cookies or a handful of chips.