image comics

New BITCH PLANET series coming this June | Press Releases | Image Comics

The awesome Craig Yeung and I talk briefly about our short story “The Invisible Woman” in today’s Image press release for Bitch Planet: Triple Feature.

Get your first look at our kick-ass anthology cover by the fabulous Valentine deLandro!

Want to preorder? Retailers can use the Diamond code APR170731 to place orders before Monday, May 22.

If you haven’t bought comics before: write the Diamond code down and take it to your local shop, along with a pre-order form. Step by step instructions on what to fill out and where to take it are at the link.

Issue drops on Wednesday, June 14.

(I’m so excited, you guys!!!)

"The Importance of Bitch Planet's Backmatter"

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This article from Graphixia delves into the gloriously feminist comic book Bitch Planet and its "backmatter" pages, which include guest essays from writers and scholars, letters to the editor, faux advertisements for in-world products or spaces where fans can interact.

Read more here.

Personally, I think it's a brilliant approach. Structuring the backmatter as a forum of ideas gives people a way to engage with all or parts of the text without feeling like passive listeners. It gives authors and artists a way to talk about evolving story and visual elements in a casual space. And after the story presents tough ideas and images, the backmatter picks up that lead, and encourages people to consider what those stories mean in a larger world context.

Also, I LOVE seeing people talk about Kelly Sue and Val's amazing series - it gives me so much joy to know Bitch Planet resonates with so many passionate fans! Can't wait to see what happens next for Kam, Penny, and the rest of our badass ladies.

Happy Thursday,


Image credit: Graphixia.